Wednesday, July 22, 2015

What to ask your Actual Day Photographer?

Meetups with photographers is essential before signing and placing the deposit to secure the date. It might be quite a tiring process, but it will be worthwhile!

We have met PGs which we like their style and photos but didnt quite click with them.

So here goes:

1. Summarise your schedule for the whole day
Gatecrash > first look > tea ceremony his house > entourage photo > tea ceremony her house > rest > venue shots > solemnization > dinner > send off

A PG restricted our plans, they said we sld keep gatecrash to 30mins, prep sldnt be done 1 day before, games to be more fun less quiz and have it at a bright place. If the place is not bright, they will recommend and change on the spot. No go for me, you dont change place on the actual day bcox i only have 1 place for gatecrash and i need to prep 1 day before, i m fussy abt plating.

They should think of a place to shoot the entourage photo.

2. Is xx number of hours enough, if not topup per hour is?
Some PGs waive the additional hours, they are flexible and understanding. Of cox, some are calculative.
3. Do you have transport for the day?
4. Do you need us to cater food for you?
5. Do you need a resting space during the break?

6. How many photos do you take in total? Will you show us all the shots?
7. How many photos are usable, good shots?
8. How many photos will you edit?
9. How many photos will you give us?

On average, please have at least 500 photos, anything less is just lacking. If you dont have gatecrash, PGs should replace with something else like reception shots?

10. From the photos, do you see multi shots? Like 1 moment but 10 simultaneous shots, for veiling they will. But if gatecrash, they do that, DONT use them. Gatecrash is an explosion of moments/emotions/expressions, simultaneous shots translate into them not being confident of getting the shot. And if you have 500 photo but all simultaneous 10 shot = 50 moments......wth!

11. From the photos, tea ceremony, how many angles do they take from? 3 or more is what we are looking for, please make space for them. They can go left, right, behind you, behind your parents, bottom and top.

12. From the photos, solemnization, how many angles do they take from? 4 or more is what you should see during vows time, groom, bride, parents, both of you, solemniser. Those dead 2 angle one = lazy PGs.

13. From the photos, do you like their editing style and colours? I like portrait shots, hate landscape. I like half body shots not face closeup shots. I like warm colors, not white white kind. I like sun flares, no dark dark b&w artistic kind. I like photos which you can see ppl face, not wide lens and i cant even see everyone expression.

14. From the photos, do you use flash during the banquet? LED spotlight is the next IN thing, less harsh than flash.

15. Do you re enact scenes? Yes...reject.

16. Will you prompt us to do things? No...reject. Yes..they will ask your parents to recall a nice memory or say smth nice during the veiling. They will find the best light, part of the room for the different scenes.

17. Are you ok with relatives, family members pulling you aside for a photo?

18. Are you ok with taking group shots? Journalistic or more cinematography, might not. If the pose very dead, like class photo, please ah, reject.

19. If wardrobe malfunction, will you alert us?

20. Any videographers you cant work with?

21. If after receiving the photos, some moments are missing and we are not satisfied with the photos? Is there any form of service recovery?
Some might reject and say, no such thing will happen. Some might say, theres nth we can do its over. This two, reject!

22. Are you comfortable with us? Do you see yourself being our PG?
I dont want them to do it because we r paying them. You are spending 10 hrs with them, pls get someone you like. They are often the one leading the itinerary and day.

23. If smth happen to you on that day and you are unable to show up, will you replace with another PG or refund us and we find another one?

24. Is this the lowest price? Can you give me last year pricing if I pay within 1 week?
Just try your luck la.

25. What are your payment modes?

26. How long before we get back the photos?

That should be all, will add more if i can recall! Thank god, my search is over! (:

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