Thursday, September 10, 2015

wedding band, the guy version

its quite funny and amazing how we went back to eclarity again as cynthia's proposal ring was from there.  we starting ring shopping at many places and visited cartier where the trinity band topped the charts but sadly have to give it a miss.  couldnt bear to spend that amount but it was soooooooooooooooooooooooo nice.  totally liked it.

but anyhow decided to visit eclarity and see what they have to offer since customization was their business.  we took probably about an hour looking through the different designs and finally managed to narrow down our selection.  both of us are just too picky and have the love for details so we decided to have our own likes into the rings. a part mine, a part hers making it ours.

4 different ring designs here where on the left, the three rings are interconnected, adding our likes and diamonds onto the rings.  so after about couple of months, the design came out as shown in the earlier posts by cynthia.  went through some discussion with eclarity and WOOOOOHOOOOO.  many shared that guys should have thicker bands but nah, still prefer smaller band ring for myself.  not a fan of those chunky chunky kind.

tried the rings and its nice right.  like it so much but sadly we did not bring the rings back with us as there were still some minor changes that needs to be done to the rings.  what to do, sometimes i think we are quite hard to service or rather would want things our way.  few more weeks before we get to collect the final product and to keep it safe for few months before we really get to wear them.  looking back, time has pass quite quickly from preparing the engagement ring, the proposal, wedding plans like venue and such till wedding band.  very soon, the big day would arrive!


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