Friday, May 15, 2015

Golden call

You know how we have dived into tackling the styling and floral aspect of the big day. We have received quotes after quotes, met and went to appointments after appointments. We even had our first meltdown over this due to the money required to be spent. He wants to keep it within 4 digits, but lo and behold, its all 5 digits. Like mid high range.

My vision is to have styling done right, no matter what. No clustered tall centerpieces and aisle bird cage standee kinds. No drapes or curtains. Its just tacky! So we gave up on the hotel's floral bcox its full of the tacky stuff above and went to find a our own company. It did cross my mind to diy but i think i will die on the actual day, die from fatigue and worrying.

Today, we got a golden call. Why golden? Bcox its a company we really like and it came down to a comfortable five digit!!! OMG! We didnt put much thought into scoring this company bcox its on the extreme high range. But after 3 emails with appreciating their hospitality bcox its out of our league, they relooked and called us, saying its possible since we are sincere! OMG! I m thanking the wedding gods. I was so shell shocked that i have t look and re read my whatsapp a few times. So drowsy from the meds, but i woke up immediately after this news. OMG! No wayyyyyyy. Amazed i tell you. Is this the secret happening??????

Cant seem to share this news with anybody bcox they wont seem to understand...bcox everyone is using the hotel themes. Oh wells.

Hehehhehehe. Popping champagne soon when i feel better!