Saturday, June 6, 2015

Why Jenny Sun?

I had been following Jayesslee when they first started out and saw their wedding snaps by Jenny Sun, which totally stole my heart from that moment. And to make sure their prices do not burn a hole in my pocket, I asked them for a quotation in 2014, before I was even engaged, thats how sure I am. *fingers crossed*

Before we settled on Jenny Sun, we did explore the other avenues, Korea, Paris, Greece, Bali and Singapore. But no other photographers, yes in Singapore, were able to recreate the same photos without editing. We do not like over saturated or contrasted photos, and some look just fake like they were photoshop in, I want to show you examples, but am afraid I will be slammed by them. ;/ I just saw a classic tempted to show. Haha! And I have seen so many colourisation of photos, its just bad.. Like how grass in Singapore is green (other than during the dry spell) and never brown/yellow/gold, so why do I see the later set of colours??

What had my heart were all the sunflares and sunrays that was captured. with no photoshopping by Jenny Sun. They did mention it was up to chance whether the sun is corporating with them, so its not 100% guaranteed. 

And the photoshoot is 3 hours, they do not do the 1 day, 3 day, studio thingy that many are practicing, because they are confident that they are able to get enough shots during that time frame. Plus, it is tiring to smile and stay blissfully in love for that long right? Anymore than that, will look quite fake.

Best part, it was really cooling! No sticky, icky, sweaty feeling.

Same place but without sun and with sun, which caused the sun flare. 

Then, fast forward to engagement over, finally broke the news to them after we selected the wedding date. We thought of going in October 2015 as an anniversary trip, plus its spring, so there will be tons of flowers and sunlight, but with the 3 months processing, it is cutting too close to incorporating the photos into our invitations. So, we took the earlier date in March 2015 and never regret ever since.

Not only does the price not break the bank, since its an overseas photoshoot, the experience and places were simply irreplaceable. We threw them all the links and photos and styles we like, which led them to suggesting it to be at the Southern Highlands, specifically at Summerlees Estate. Thank you for the recommendation, it is really a spectacular and charming venue with tons of land and tons of animals. Very country and so much sunlight and greenery! Patty, the owner, was really friendly too. At night, with no light around, the stars are magical!

Summerlees, as it is today (70 acres), is part of an original land grant (1822) in the Sutton Forest area of the Southern Highlands. This historic property, on a rise, stands to the east of the old South Road (today the Illawarra Highway) just a kilometre or so from the village, and a short distance from Moss Vale. At the rear the land falls away with spectacular views over the valley towards Exeter.


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